
Aug 23, 2018 : Things to Discuss with Your Contractors for A Home Redesign In NJ

If you’re looking into getting a home redesign in NJ, it’s a situation that’s both incredibly exciting and more than a little scary. Remodeling your home is a big undertaking and a big investment. If everything goes well, you could end up with a fabulous new look and a serious boost to your home’s resell value. If not, well, no one likes to think about that.

One of the most important parts of the home redesign process is your initial meeting with the contractors who will be handling this work. This is when you lay out your vision, they discuss what is and isn’t physically possible, and you come to an agreement on the scope of the work.

If this meeting goes well, it makes the rest of the process go much more smoothly.

Five Important Elements When Discussing a Home Redesign In NJ

1- Your contractor should be asking a lot of questions.

There’s no better sign of engagement in a home contractor if they’re asking a lot of questions – this should be encouraged! The more questions they ask, the better their understanding of your overall vision for the project. If they aren’t asking questions, that’s a big warning sign. You may want to switch contractors before committing to anything.

2- All decision-makers in your family should be present.

Whoever is going to be involved in the redesign should be at that initial meeting. It’s their best chance to add in their own opinions on how the remodeling should go. Try to make sure your family is all on the same page about the redesign, to prevent unnecessary drama.

3- Make sure to point out the things you do like about your home.

Telling your contractor about your favorite aspects of your home does two things. First, they know not to mess with those elements. Secondly, they can sometimes find ways to take those elements and make them even better!

4- Be sure to discuss budget and financing.

By the end of the first meeting, your contractor should have enough information to give you a solid estimate of the work costs, and your options for payment.  It’s a red flag if the contractor won’t talk hard dollars, even when you’ve laid out your plans – they may try to soak you later.

5- When in doubt, bring pictures.

If you know what you like, but not the terminology, bring pictures of similar designs in other homes/buildings. It happens all the time, and it’s a great way to get your ideas across.

Magnolia Home Remodeling can make your home redesign in NJ into a reality! Contact us to discuss your options.

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